The First Snow in Luoyang

The First Snow in Luoyang

November 24, the first snow of 2015 came to Luoyang and it was a bit earlier than before. Sinorock® organized an activity of taking pictures with snow.

The snow was urgent this winter. In the morning, Luoyang had been covered with snow here and there before we appreciating its flying. Luoyang had been dressed up by snow entirely. Snow hung fully over branches, like a white cloth covering on. Under our feet, thin snow was also left.

Seeing from the roof top of Sinorock®, entire Luoyang City had been wrapped by white snow, and we were enjoying the surprise brought by the first snow. We made several poses and enjoyed ourselves, then we recorded the beautiful moments by camera, which also relaxed ourselves in spare time.

The flying snowflakes had been floating a whole day, while for us who had got used to warm winter, it was very rare. Luoyang, covered by snow at that time, was less busier and noisier while a bit simpler.

As the saying goes, a fall of seasonable snow gives promise of a fruitful year. The first snow of 2015 brings us hope for next year and presents us a visual feast.









